
Cadherins are a family of adhesion molecules (reviewed in Takeichi, 1990) that bind homophilically and heterophilically in a cation dependent and protease sensitive manner. Endothelial cells express at least three cadherins: N-, P-, and VE-cadherin (Vascular Endothelial Cadherin). N-cadherin is diffusely spread across the cell (Salomon et al 1992), P-cadherin is present in trace amounts (Liaw et al 1990), and VE-cadherin is specifically localized to the inter-endothelial cell junction (Lampugnani et al 1992). VE-cadherin seems important in maintaining endothelial permeability as monolayers of transfected cells show calcium-dependent reductions in permeability (Lampugnani et al 1992). Inhibition of VE-cadherin by antibodies increases both permeability and neutrophil transmigration in vivo (Gotsch et al 1997). This is in keeping with the idea that regulation of the inter-endothelial junction is an important component in the control of transmigration. A new cadherin VE-cadherin 2 has recently been described; it appears to be able to modulate homotypic adhesion, but unlike VE-cadherin does not seem to play a role in endothelial permeability (Telo et al 1998).

View various information about this molecule at the National Center for Biotechnology Information.


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